Fisher Chiropractic

Welcome to Fisher Chiropractic in Naples, Florida. Brad Fisher, D.C. has been practicing chiropractic and treating patients since 2007. He specializes in spinal adjustments, extremity adjustments, exercise rehabilitation, cold laser, kiniesotape, and various soft tissue techniques including Graston technique. He also prescribes custom orthotic supports and has an X-ray machine on premise. Dr. Fisher has experience working with back pain, neck pain, headaches, disc issues, TMJ pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, and extremity injuries. Whether you are a working professional, an athlete, a grandparent, or a student, the care you will receive will be tailored for your unique needs. Fisher Chiropractic has created a chiropractic center dedicated to your overall health as a human being. If you’re in pain, sick, or suffering, we can help you. Our Chiropractic Care Services are individually tailored to suit the needs of each patient. We will always have time for you. To listen. To explain. To offer hope. Fisher Chiropractic takes a whole-body approach to your health. We believe the human body is designed to be healthy and we are committed to giving its owner a century of trouble-free performance.

Fisher Chiropractic